Arunachala Temple and its rich heritage is simply amazing.
Arunachala is one of the Pancha Bootha Sthalangal representing the fire element along with Chidambaram, Sri Kalahasti, Thiruvanaikoil and Kanchipuram representing sky, air, water and earth respectively.
In the previous post I told you about the legends connected to the formation of the Amazing Arunachala hill and the temple festival. There are many more legends about Lord Arunachala and the temple. Each shrine and every constructed structure in the temple complex has its own legand. Here are some interesting legends about the Amazing Arunachala.
Appearance of Lord Muruga:
Saint Arunagirinathar was the ardent devotee of Lord Muruga. In his earlier years Arunagirinathar climbed the Vallala Maharaja Gopuram in the Arunachala temple complex and attempted to fall off. Lord Muruga appeared before him and saved his life. Since then Arunagirinathar became known as Gopurathilayanar.

Sambandan was a scholar in the king’s court and had obtained many boons from goddess Kali. Afraid of Arunagirinathar’s popularity, he proposed to the king a competition between him and Arunagirinathar, as to who could bring his chosen deity manifest in the form visible to everyone present.
In the competition the devotion of Arunagirinathar brought the appearance of Lord Muruga through a stone pillar. Since then this has became one of the famous places of visit for the devotees of Lord Muruga. A temple for Lord Muruga is there in the Arunachala Temple complex where Lord Muruga appeared. Beautiful paintings narrating this story are there in the temple.
Arunagirinathar’s Life force entering into the body of a Parrot:

The Vijayanagar King Pravda Deva Maharaya, once lost his vision and was blind. Sambandar, a confidant to the king advised him to get the flower Parijatham to regain his sight and suggested that Arunagirinathar could do the job. The king was convinced and asked Arunagirinathar to bring Parijatha flower.
As the Parijatha flower is in heaven, Arunagirinathar moved his life force into the body of parrot, after keeping his own body in the gopuram. Even before his return with Parijatha flower his body was cremated. As he could not get his human form back, Arunagirinathar remained as parrot and composed great songs including Kandaranubuti.
Vallala Maharaja and Lord Arunachala:
After completed the construction of magnificent Vallala Maharaja Gopuram in Arunachala temple King Vallala became proud of his achievement. In order to teach him a lesson, Lord Arunachaleswarar refused to leave the temple through the Vallala Gopuram during first 9 days of 10 days Special Festival. The King was distressed and prayed for his forgiveness. Only then, Lord Arunachala consented to pass through this gopuram on the 10th day of the festival. This is a lesson taught by Lord Siva about humility and greatness, not only to King Vallala but to everyone.
Arunachala Puranam describes King Vallala as an embodiment of all human virtues. He was praised for his uprightness, generosity and love for Lord Arunachala. The King had no issues. Lord Arunachala tested him for his piety and became a child at the hands of king Vallala and his wife. King Vallala embraced the child in all his lovingness and later Lord Arunachala disappeared.
When the king prayed for a child, Lord Arunachala assured him that would perform all his funeral rites as he himself became a child to the king. Lord Arunachala himself performed the funeral rites of King Vallala. Even now in the month of Maasi (February) when the annual anniversary of King Vallala Deva’s death occurs, at the instruction of Lord Arunachala, the Lord is taken in procession with great Ceremony to the village Pallikonda Pattu, where the funeral rites take place. This festival is known as ‘Masi Maga Theerthavari’ Urchavam.
Yanai Thiraikonda Vinayakar:
Once a king from Andrapradesh after a battle captured the locality and allowed his troops to occupy the area. In the night the King had a dream that an elephant was charging his troops and making him to run away. When asked, he was informed that they stayed over a holy land which was protected by Lord Ganesh. Realising his mistake, the king donated his elephants and begged forgiveness. The holy land is the Arunachala temple complex.

Ramana maharishi in his earlier periods did thapas (meditation) for several years in the Pathalalingam temple in Arunachala temple complex. Latter when he was disturbed by the people he moved to Arunachala hill and other places and finally to the place where now the Ramana Ashram is there.
Every full moon night, hundreds of thousands of pilgrims worship Arunachala circumambulating the Arunachala hill barefoot. Every ones wishes are fulfilled and they get lifted in their life style. The circumambulation covers a distance of about 14 km. Ramana maharishi used to cirumbulating the Arunachala hill in 7 days, enjoying the bliss of Arunachala every minute.
Advaita Vedanta guru Ramana Maharshi lived in Thiruvannamalai for fifty three years until his death in 1950. Raman Ashram is located at the foot of the Arunachala hill, to the west of the town.
Idaikkattu Siddhar, one of the eighteen Siddhars, belongs to this sacred soil. It has the honour of providing an abode for saints such as Arunagirinathar, Vitpatchathevar, Gugai Namachivayar, Guru Namachivayar, Deivasigamani, Arunachala Desikar, Mahan Seshadri Swamigal, Bagawan Ramana Maharishi, Sri Yogi Ram Surathkumar and the like.
A visit to Arunachala temple and circumbulating the Arunachala hill brings blessings and good vibrations of the ever living saints (Siddhars) there. This multiplies in hundred folds the blessings of Lord Arunachala.
Ohm Arunachleswarya Namaha!